I woke up to those words running through my mind on Monday, Chemo Day, Test Result Day. And that is what my bible was open to by my bedside.
The Lord's right hand has done mighty things, the Lord's right hand is lifted high, the Lord's right hand has done mighty things. I will not die, but live! And proclaim what the Lord has done!!! Psalms 118:13-18
I knew then that we would get good news on the CT scan, but did not realize that God had planned to give us the great news that day on the tumor markers! They were drawn that morning and we usually have to wait two days for the results. The Dr. came running into the chemo room to tell Trina just as we were leaving, "Good News, the tumor markers are 340!" They had come down from 616. Dr. was very pleased. The chemo nurse got goose bumps. Great news. Thank you God!!!!!!!!!!!
We are so blessed to have our God fighting this battle with Trina. It would be impossible to go through this without our God. I love you God.
God is Good.