Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tagged by Holly

I've been given the brilliant blog award from the brilliant Holly.

Okay so here is how this thing works: First I have to answer a little questionnaire thingy which is pretty much all about ME!

Then I have to choose 7 bloggers who I feel are BRILLIANT (see list below) and I give them the award. They will post their own answers to the questionnaire on their own blog and they will choose 7 more recipients. And so it goes!

Here is the questionnaire (drum roll please...)

A. Attached or single? Attached

B. Best friend? Cameo and Trina

C. Cake or pie? Cake!!!!!!!!!!

D. Day of choice? Saturday

E. Essential item? Hair Spray!

F. Favorite color? Pink

G. Gummy bears or worms? Neither, YUK

H. Hometown? The booneys in Washington

I. Indulgence? Chocolate Truffles

J. January or July? July

K. Kids? 2

L. Life isn’t complete without? Mi Familia

M. Marriage date? December 16, 1968

N. Number of brothers & sisters? 4 sisters, 2 brothers

O. Oranges or apples? Oranges

P. Phobias? Kids drowning

Q. Quotes? "It's all in your attitude!!"

R. Reasons to smile? grandkids!!!!

S. Season of choice? Summer

T. Tag seven peeps! (see below)

U. Unknown fact about me? I started college after Cameo went, when I was 41 years old.

V. Vegetable? tomatoes

W. Worst habits? I am bossy with my family

X. X-ray or ultrasound? x-ray

Y. Your favorite food? Pizza

Z. Zodiac sign? Sagitarius

I'm tagging:

1. Anita

2. Miranda

3. Sonia

4. Marty

5. Erik

6. Amanda, Christina and Denise

7. Danita

8. Trina


Cameo said...

YOU ARE BOSSY???? Why is it I'm finding out all this information about you and sissy on your blogs? I just read that sissy broke her toe! Now I read that you are bossy?!?! WHERE HAVE I BEEN?

Trina G. said...

LOL, you make me waff Mom.

I laughed out loud at "kids drowning" and HAIRSPRAY!!! LOL

thanks for the post.