Friday, September 28, 2007

First Day

Well, I really don't have much to post.

This has been a hard week for all of us concerning the adoption. I "KNEW" when we first received the referral of Valentina that she would definately be home by Asa's birthday. Wednessday was Asa's birthday and she is not home, not out of PGN, and no idea when she will be. I fought God hard on that, I wanted her home!!!!!!! But, yesterday I had to give in to God, again, and say thy will be done. I love that baby girl so very much, she is so sweet and gentle, just like our Asa. She will be home in God's time, not mine. :)

Asa's birthday party is tomorrow. He is going to have so much fun, he is such a joy to me and all of us. What a geat little boy he is. Trina and Josh are such great parents.

I am so blessed to have two wonderful daughters. They both are amazing women. They put up with me and love me. I love them so much.

Have a great weekend..........


Cameo said...

Oh mom, WE are the lucky ones! I love you!

Shannon said...

Welcome to blogland!!!

Now, do feel free to share any and all funny stories that involve Cameo. I'm sure you have some up your sleeve!!!

Looking forward to reading your perspective on things!!

Kylie's Mommy said...

so glad to hear you have started a blog. Cameo is always commenting on how funny you are.. Now we all get to see for ourselves.
I hope you hear positive news about Valentina very soon.

Sonia said...

It's so great to see your blog! My mom just started her own too. She mostly just wants her's for pictures. I love being able to get to know all of you this way. Love you.

Soltana said...

YAY so glad you've decided to join our crazy world!!!

I agree with Shannon.... bring on the funny stories!!!

Have a great time at Asa's party!!!