Sunday, May 4, 2008

Loser and other ramblings............

I am a loser, not a good weight loser, but a loser because I cannot lose the weight I need to lose. I just cannot do it. I am so frustrated with myself. It is down to one month until the reunion, and I have only lost 10 pounds. I really need to get focused and do it. Just Do It!!!!

In other happier news. We keep so busy! I did not realize that retirement would be so happy and busy. Papa worked 3 days last weekend, and 3 days this weekend. I really think he is happier working part time. He feels more important. When he is home now that it is spring, he is usually working on the girls yards. He likes to do that too. Spring/Summer is so much better than winter. We all love to be outside! I keep busy with the girls and kids. My life is pretty good.

I am planning a trip to see my dear mother for Mother's day next weekend. I am so glad we still have her with us. She just wants to stay in bed now, but she still knows us when we visit and I am so glad about that. I am so blessed to have such a loving mother.

My dad passed away 7 years ago on May 8 at the age of 84. He was a great Dad. I had two loving and kind parents. He was always so smart. Although he only had an 8th grade education, he was a machinist, and had to figure out math problems that amazed me. I really admired my father. The greatest gift he ever gave me was when I would go to him with a problem, instead of telling me his opinion, all he would say was "You are smart enough to figure that out for yourself." and he was right. I always hear his words in my mind, and am so glad he had faith in me. He was such a good grandpa too, teaching the girls their algebra when I homeschooled them. And always making them feel loved. I miss him. He taught us how to build our own cabin, and was always an example of how we should treat those around us. He did not preach, but led by example. He was the hardest worker ever, and he loved my mother with all his heart. God truly blessed me by giving me my dear parents.

Life is good!!!


Grama said...

You are not a loser at all. You are beautiful and blessed. You have health and beauty and a wonderful husband and beautiful daughters and the most exeptional gradchildren I've ever seen. No prejudice here. You have two son in laws that love you and your daughters.
I love having you as a friend. You are a caring giving Mother. You are truly blessed.

Trina G. said...

You are not a loser. You are the strongest, most beautiful, loving, loyal and show more faith than any other mother in the world. I love you. I had the best time this weekend with you and our familia.

Cameo said...

mom, you are the FURTHEST thing from a loser!!! And you've lost 10 lbs! THAT IS HARD!!! I should know! I miss grandpa too. Not a day goes by. I know you miss him desperately too. I love you so much and you are the best baby mama and the best BEYA!!!!

A Whole new world for this Mom of boys. said...

Don't be so hard on yourself....I just saw you not 2 weeks ago, and YOU LOOK GREAT!!! I can't ever remember seeing you that you didn't look GREAT! I hope you know that you are beautiful no matter if you lose 10 lbs or 40 lbs. It's not going to change that you are a wonderful mother and beya.....your family is blessed to have you JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!