Friday, October 24, 2008

It's The Weekend!!!!

I don't know why, but I am excited about the weekend this week!!! We have the usual soccer game Saturday morning, and Sunday is Valentina's Christian Blessing. Cameo has bought her a precious dress and was going to look for shoes today. The girls went shopping again!!! We have all gone shopping every afternoon this week. Trying to find something to wear on Sunday. Trina is the only one that is still going to be naked!!!!! I decided I needed some time alone and that I needed to clean my place. Papa is working today, and I have the trailer all to myself this afternoon!!!!!!!

The weather is beautiful this afternoon. It was really foggy this morning, maybe that is why Trina is fighting a manic spell, maybe not. She will be ok. At least it is nice to know that she will be ok. When she was first diagnosed with Bi-Polar, it was harder because we did not have the times in the past to know that it was temporary and that she needed to ride it out, and now we do. It is still hard for her and us too that love her. I thank God everyday for the medication she is on, and that it is working for her. It was not easy finding the right meds, and I am grateful that she did not give up when the first ones did not work, but kept trying new ones.

Cameo is feeling better also. She said yesterday she is feeling great. I am thankful for that. It is hard when they are both down. Trina needs more people when she is down/manic. Cameo withdraws from us all and wants to be all alone with her thoughts.

This weather has me thinking alot about my parents. It is the time of my Dad's birthday, and my parents anniversary. I was born on their 15th anniversary. So since my dad died, my birthday was always kinda sad. We always use to celebrate together. After Daddy died, I would try and spend it with mom, so she would feel better. The last year or two, she did not remember dates, so it was not as important

Wow, I guess I am like Trina today, Debbie Downer. Not really. I guess I am just thinking how really blessed we are. We are a family, and we help each other get through rough times. And then enjoy when we are all up!!! The girls are always there for me when I need a pick-me-up too.

I am so happy that we have our Valentina home this year. A year ago, we were still waiting to go and pick her up, and now she is home and making us laugh every day so much. Asa and Valentina together are hilarious. Valentina walked over to Asa this morning and hugged him a long time. He hugged her back, looked at her and gave her such a gentle kiss. Ohhhh. What is there to be sad about then!!!

We are blessed and life is good!!!!!!!!!!!


Mandy said...

You are such an awesome mom and beya! I love your life is good. It certainly is. Have a fantastic weekend!

Trina G. said...

great post Mom. You are amazing. Hang in there.

We all have each other.

Grama said...

You are amazing and I am proud to know you. Your daughters are amazing too. I have such a hard time remembering they have these emotional roller coaster rides since I never see them or hear them complain. You are all strong women and I know you will teach that to Valentina so I am sure she will be both strong and gentle .

I love you all

Unknown said...

I love your posts! You are such a positive person and so so stong, Your family is truly fortunate to have you in their lives. If we could all be more like you life would be a wonderful wonderful place.
Have a great weekend, and thanks for sharing your family with all of us.

Candy said...

Trina NAKED at the Christian Blessing...well that ought to be a good show...better go buy a FLIP so we can all see how that turns out...HAHA...Just about one year ago...we were getting to meet you at the WESTIN...SO CRAZY a year has gone by


Type (little) a aka Michele said...

My dad's birthday was August 24, and mine is August 26th. We always celebrated together, and I don't even like celebrating my birthday anymore.

Have fun tomorrow. And tell Trina that everyone will be looking at Valentina, so it won't matter what she wears LOL

Tracey said...

You are such a great mama and Beya! I am so glad that Cameo and Trina have you! I know that Miss Trina will be a-ok and I can't wait to see pics of the whole family at Miss V's blessing!