Wednesday, August 6, 2008


A year ago in July (I am always late with things like this) we were in Guatemala City visiting our baby girl for the first time. Isn't she so cute?

This a photo of me and my two sisters in G'dale last month. Thank you sisters for visiting with me. I had a great day!!!

Anita on our bike ride. Anita has a favorite bike road that is gated off, so there is no traffic except other bikers and fishermen, since it is along the Klickitat River. We took one rest on the way going but several on the way back. I got tired!!! It is only 15 miles, but I am a little out of shape. Anita has a $1000 bike I have a $100 bike. She had to go slow for me. Sorry Anita....

The scenery is really pretty. You can see the river almost all of the time. It smells so good out there and sounds nice too.

This stick was on the road by a washout where you have to walk your bike through, I thought it looked like a snake from a distance. There are really big Rattlesnakes there. We did not see any that day, but have seen them before. Anita was hoping to see one that we could photograph.

This is at the Fiesta Mexicana that we went to last weekend. These are diablo (devil) dancers from Oaxaca, Mexico. They look pretty evil with their masks and whips. Asa had to be taken out, he did not want to see them. All of the other kids and babies just watched them like they were rather ordinary. I even thought they looked scary. They danced around to traditional music for an hour.
A close up of one of the diablos.

Life is good!!!


Jill said...

Okay, I love you Beya, but that diablo FAH-reaked me out!

I just love your family! Keep the pics coming!

I would pass out on a 15 mile bike ride, but the way!

Cameo said...

AAAACCCCKKKK!!!!!! Those are scary!

Grama said...

Loved the pic from Guatemala but love seeing her in person even more.

No way could I have done the bike ride. Bravo Beya.

Thanks so much for sharing.
Love you Sandi

The Frugal Countess said...

Beya you are so pretty!!!!!

Sonia said...

The diablo freaked me out! There is no way I would have let the girls wathc that. I don't blame Asa one little bit for not wanting to watch. Thanks for all the good pics.

Trina G. said...

good photo of the diablo. I will never forgot how Asa just sunk into me with his mm mm over his head when he saw the diablos. LOL

Thank you for the update!!

I love your bike ride pic's.